Cummins ESN Locations

Cummins ESN location (brand logo)

You heard right, you're going to need your Cummins ESN. Not sure where to find it?

Cummins ISB
This engine serial number location is found on the rocker coverk, and in some cases, printed on the side of the gear housing.
Cummins ISM
These can be found on the rocker housing located on the fuel pump side.
Cummins ISX
Located on the top cover of the rocker level.
Cummins ISC and ISL
The ISC and ISL engine data plates are located on the top side of the gear housing.
Cummins 6CTA
These engine serial numbers are found on both a metal tag fixed to the front gear housing and also etched on the left side of the block just above the oil cooler housing.
Cummins 4BT 3.9 / 6BT 5.9
4BT Cummins engine serial numbers are found on the metal tag fixed to the front gear housing, as well as the rear left side near to the oil cooler housing.
Cummins QSK45 & QSK60
This data plate is visible on the front left side of the gear cover and can also be found on the rear of the block.